In recent years, the population of invasive and toxic weeds such as poison hemlock has been growing in Adair County. Recently, sweet vernal grass has begun to take over many hay fields. Common groundsel and perilla mint are two weeds to also keep an eye on, as their presence is growing.
Learn more about these weeds, their risks to livestock, and how to control them at the Invasive Weed Field Day on July 20th at 6:00 p.m. The field day will be held at Vicky Pike’s farm, located at 3011 Burkesville Road. UK Weed Scientist Dr. JD Green will be our guest speaker.
Other topics covered during the field day will include sprayer calibration, setting a no-till drill, and fall seeding considerations.
A meal will be provided, so please RSVP by calling the Adair County Cooperative Extension Office at (270) 384-2317. This educational program will fulfill the educational requirements for the upcoming CAIP program.
Sheep and Goat Parasite Workshop
Sheep and Goat producers are encouraged to join us on July 25 at 5:30 p.m. at the Adair County Cooperative Extension Office. Dr. Jesse Lay, a KSU veterinarian, will be demonstrating how to conduct fecal egg counts. After completion of this class, you will be able to conduct fecal egg counts using supplies and tools provided by the Adair County Cooperative Extension Service. Register by calling (270) 384-2317.